diet tips

The Benefits of an Aloe Vera Diet tips

Aloe Vera is a house plant that has a long history of being a multipurpose folk remedy. The plant can be divided into two products that have a medicinal property, the gel and latex. Aloe Vera gel is the pulp or mucilage that is clear and jelly-like in consistency that you can get from inside the leaf. The gel contains polymers of carbohydrates such as peptic acid and various other compounds, both organic and inorganic.

The aloe latex which is the yellow sap found at the bottom of the leaf is also known as “bitter aloe” and is commonly used in aloe vera diet because of its laxative properties. This bitter aloe contains anthraquinone glycosides aloe A and B which gives it that laxative effect. The way to get this sap is by cutting the leaves transversally at the base and collecting the sap that oozes from the cut. You use this by drying out the sap and mixing it in other food, like juices or tea.

The most common usage of aloe vera is for the treatment of burns, cuts, and other skin disorders. The clear gel speeds up the healing process and protects the skin from infections. The presence of aloectin B in the gel acts as a stimulating agent to the immune system. Few people know of the benefits of an aloe vera diet much less how it affects our body’s system.

People with irritable bowel syndrome or IBS can benefit from aloe vera diet thru the aloe juice concentrate. It is recommended that 1 tablespoon of the juice concentrate be mixed with water and taken before every meal. This will help stimulate the digestive glands and help with the regulation of bowel movement. Those with peptic ulcers can also benefit from an aloe vera diet because the juice made from the gel of the aloe leaf helps neutralize stomach acidity.

Reports and animal testing have also indicated that drinking aloe vera juice can help in reducing inflammation and swelling of joints therefore give comfort to those suffering from arthritis. It can also help asthmatic patients who don’t want to depend on corticosteroids in treating their asthma.

Although many illnesses can benefit from an aloe vera diet, it is advisable to consult your physicians before implementing any type of diet. Over dosage especially of the bitter aloe can cause more irritation than help.

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